Why it Works
The DECIDE® Platform simulates cyber-attacks for organizations and their partners to stress and test incident response plans, resulting in after-action reports to improve strategic communication, compliance, risk, and overall resilience.
Initially conceived and started independently by NUARI, and developed with funding from the Department of Homeland Security, the DECIDE® Platform has been a trusted cybersecurity live exercise solution for more than ten years. DECIDE® equips organizations, critical infrastructure sectors, the military, and the government with the situational awareness, strategic communications capabilities, and digital response playbooks needed to prevail against serious cyber threats. DECIDE® brings actors from across sectors, geographies, and roles together into a distributed environment to participate in critical infrastructure exercises.
Exercise response protocols and coordination with critical partners. Go beyond technical solutions and test decision-making capabilities at multiple levels to improve business survival and decrease risk.
Increase situational awareness of how complex cyber incidents unfold in a multi-dimensional environment through exposure to real-time threats. Custom after-action analyses provide insight on how to counter attacks.
Measure response reflexes and capability gaps to improve preparedness and strategic communication for organizational survival. Improve your organization’s response playbook to enhance decision-making.
The DECIDE® Platform is engineered to power a limitless array of live exercise-based scenarios to help decision-makers in critical infrastructure sectors and government to exercise their abilities to effectively prepare for and respond to cyber incidents.
Who We Work With

What DECIDE® can do for you.
NUARI built the DECIDE® platform to test and stress organizations’ security incident response plans, and capture essential information regarding the ability to respond and remain resilient through a cyber event. Explore how you can benefit from our command and control exercises specific to your needs.