NUARI President, Program Manager to Speak at Forum: “Executing the Army Installations Strategy”
On April 13, 2022, NUARI President Phil Susmann and NUARI Program Manager Jeffrey Cairns will participate in a professional development forum at the General Gordon R. Sullivan Conference & Events Center in Arlington, Virginia.
The Forum is part of the AUSA Hot Topic Series and is titled: Army Installation Partnerships for Mission Assurance, with a focused theme of “Executing the Army Installations Strategy.” The objective of the Forum will be to understand the Army’s approach to implementation of the Army’s Climate Strategy, Installation Strategy, and Energy & Water Strategy and demonstrate how the Army will embrace partners to achieve mission success. There will be opportunities to discuss the Army’s strategy for assuring that the Army’s installations can perform their warfighting missions and maintain support for Soldiers in today’s threat environment.
Critical utility and social infrastructures, necessary for installation mission success, are vulnerable to disruption/destruction by severe climate events and by peer, near-peer, and non-nation-state adversaries.
Mr. Susmann will be a panel member and offer his expertise in the area of “Risks: From Fort to Port and to the Fight” Mr. Cairns will lead a panel discussion focusing on: “ When the Grid Goes Down.”
Additionally, a panel discussion will be led by Kahwa C. Douoguih, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Resilience and Security, Norwich University.
A Brown Bag session will feature Leon E. Panetta, former Secretary of Defense and former Director of the CIA, delivering thoughts on: “Cyber Pearl Harbor.”
These discussions will highlight the threat specifics; provide potential ways to minimize negative impacts, and identify possible partnerships with State and local governments and the private and non-profit sectors—partnerships essential to increasing installation resilience and mission capability.
Additional information and registration can be found here.

Jakon Hays
Jakon is the Senior Marketing and Strategic Communications Specialist for Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI). He develops and executes digital and social media awareness initiatives promoting NUARI's mission of enabling a resilient society through rapid research, development, and education in cybersecurity, defense technologies, and information warfare.
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