Exploring the Frontiers of AI

Exploring the Frontiers of AI

The Norwich Summer of Digital Transformation Artificial Intelligence Colloquium

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Opening remarks and perspectives were delivered by Phil Susmann, President, NUARI.
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Opening remarks and perspectives were delivered by Karen Gaines, Provost, Norwich University
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Opening remarks and perspectives were delivered by Michael Battig, Professor and Director of the Leahy School of Cyber Security & Advanced Computing, Norwich University.
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Ali Al Bataineh, PhD, Professor and Director of the AI Center at Norwich University, provided the attendees with a high-level update on the AI Center.
Norwich Summer of Digital Transformation Colloquium closing photo

The AI Colloquium was a resounding success in achieving its objectives of knowledge dissemination and fostering interest in AI endeavors.


Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI) and Norwich University recently hosted a one-day Artificial Intelligence (AI) Colloquium that set the stage for exploring NUARI's and Norwich University's expanding AI efforts. The event was designed not only to disseminate knowledge but also to ignite curiosity and engagement in AI. The colloquium showcased NUARI's and Norwich's commitment to advancing AI research and its real-world applications with a focus on three innovative testbeds and a lineup of diverse presentations.

Opening remarks and perspectives were delivered by Phil Susmann, President, NUARI; Karen Gaines, PhD, Provost, Norwich University; and Michael Battig, PhD, Professor and Director of the Leahy School of Cyber Security & Advanced Computing, Norwich University.

The AI Colloquium's schedule of presentations was structured to allow participants and the gathered audience time to discuss and expand on information through a series of networking and conversation breaks between the six grouped presentations. The presentation blocks were anchored by a review of three Testbeds and included additional presentations by Norwich professors and researchers.


Getting Started – A Look at the AI Center at Norwich University

Kicking off the first set of presentations, Ali Al Bataineh, PhD, Professor and Director of the AI Center at Norwich University, provided the attendees with a high-level update on the AI Center. Norwich's AI Center's mission is to conduct multiple forms and levels of research, deliver educational programming, and create workforce development projects to meet the growing national and regional requirements for an advanced computing-capable workforce.

For over two decades, Norwich University has been a leader in producing cyber talent. Norwich is applying its experiential education model to AI education and extending the latest innovations developed at the Center into the community.


Testbed 1: Unraveling Language with Natural Language Processing

One of the day's focal points was the Natural Language Processing (NLP) testbed. NLP, a subfield of AI that intersects linguistics and computer science, is revolutionizing how machines comprehend and generate human language. NUARI researcher Kerry Kurcz, Senior Data Scientist, and Rachel Sickler, Senior Developer/ML Engineer, presented their work on using AI to determine whether a given text, such as an essay, article, or email, is AI-produced.


Showcasing Emerging Talent: Presentations by Interns

The colloquium provided three Norwich University students a platform to present their research findings and projects across various AI domains. The intern presentations demonstrated the fresh perspectives that are shaping the AI landscape.

Topics addressed in the Intern's presentations:

- Artificial Intelligence Architectures for Computational High-Energy Astrophysics

- Computer Vision-Enabled Microcontrollers for Face Recognition

- Enhancing Lung Cancer Diagnosis with Regularized CNNs for Histopathological Image Classification


Testbed 2: Electrifying Efficiency with EV Charging Optimization

Optimizing the charging infrastructure is critical with the growing prominence of electric vehicles. Michael Cross, PhD, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Norwich University, and Rachel Sickler presented their work on a project to develop a method to utilize AI to reduce no-charge windows for light-duty battery electric vehicles (EVs) from hour-scale to minute-scale to reduce charging costs, to help alleviate customers' charging concerns, and to help balance grid demand/costs.

Additional presentations during this block featured Scott A. Smith, PhD, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Norwich University, who spoke on Nonlinear Dynamics, and Llynne Kiernan, DNP, RN-BC, Associate Professor, Nursing, Norwich University, who presented on Sepsis Prediction in Critical Care.


A Visionary Lunch: Delving into AI Futures

A highlight of the event was the lunchtime discussion delivered by Courtney Crosby, PhD, Director of AI Special Missions, Booz Allen Hamilton. Courtney delved into the future implications of AI, and attendees were walked through an exploration of how AI might reshape industries, job markets, and even societal norms. The talk inspired attendees to ponder not only the present state of AI but also the complex landscapes it might unveil in the coming years and to consider their roles as educators in addressing the needs of Norwich students in AI education.


Testbed 3: A Safer Society Through Crime Prediction

Elizabeth Gurian, PhD, Associate Professor Criminal Justice Associate Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Norwich University, and Rachel Sickler delivered Testbed Three. Their presentation explored how leveraging machine learning and AI on vast datasets could assist in efforts to predict and prevent criminal activities.

Additional presentations during this block featured Brian Glenney, PhD, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Norwich University & Justin Kuster, PhD, Lecturer, Philosophy, Norwich University, who spoke on developing a new AI Ethics Course. William Clements, PhD, Professor of Criminal Justice, Norwich University, presented on AI and Criminal Justice.


The next block of presentations began with Rachele Pojednic, PhD, Associate Professor of Health & Human Performance, Norwich University, who spoke on AI & ML for Human Performance Optimization. Seth Soman, PhD, Associate Professor of Management, Norwich University, followed with a presentation on AI Stock Market/ Bloomberg. Linn Caroleo, PhD, Visiting Professor of Management, School of Business, Norwich University, spoke on utilizing AI in Loan Default Predictions. Wrapping up this block was Nadia Al-Aubaidy, PhD, Associate Professor of Construction Management, Norwich University, who spoke on AI and its uses in Colonizing Mars.

The day's final session began with a presentation by Karen Supan, PhD, Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Director David Crawford School of Engineering, Norwich University, who spoke on Artificial Intelligence in Energy Education. She was followed by W. Travis Morris, PhD, Associate Professor Criminal Justice Director, NU Peace and War Center Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Norwich University, who presented on the work done by Norwich's IO Intern Program. The session was wrapped up by Sherman Patrick, Vice President of Strategy NUARI, who gave an overview of NUARI's AI Strategy.

The AI Colloquium was a resounding success in achieving its objectives of knowledge dissemination and fostering interest in AI endeavors.

As Norwich University continues to pave the way in AI research and education, we can only anticipate more enlightening gatherings illuminating the path forward in this exciting technological journey.


Colloquium presenters and bio links

Phil Susmann (NU’81), President, NUARI

Karen F. Gaines, PhD, Provost, Norwich University

Michael E. Battig, PhD, Professor and Director Leahy School of Cybersecurity & Advanced Computing, Norwich University

Ali Al Bataineh, PhD, Professor and Director, AI Center, Norwich University

Natalie Cartwright, PhD, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Norwich University

Amrutaa Vibho, Toluwani Olukanni, Majd Khalaf

Kerry Kurcz, NUARI, Senior Data Scientist, and Rachel Sickler, NUARI, Senior Developer/ML Engineer

Michael Cross, PhD, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Norwich University, and Rachel Sickler

Scott A. Smith, PhD, Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering, Norwich University

Llynne Kiernan, DNP, RN-BC, Associate Professor, Nursing, Norwich University

Courtney Crosby, PhD, Director of AI Special Missions, Booz Allen Hamilton

Elizabeth Gurian, PhD, Associate Professor Criminal Justice Associate Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Norwich University, and Rachel Sickler

Brian Glenney, PhD, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Norwich University & Justin Kuster, PhD, Lecturer, Philosophy, Norwich University

William Clements, PhD, Professor Criminal Justice, Norwich University

Seth Soman, PhD, Associate Professor of Management, Norwich University

Linn Caroleo, PhD, Visiting Professor of Management, School of Business, Norwich University

Nadia Al-Aubaidy, PhD, Associate Professor of Construction Management, Norwich University

Rachele Pojednic, PhD, Associate Professor of Health & Human Performance, Norwich University

Karen Supan, PhD, Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Director, David Crawford School of Engineering, Norwich University

Travis Morris, PhD, Associate Professor Criminal Justice Director, NU Peace and War Center Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Norwich University

Sherman Patrick, Vice President of Strategy, NUARI

Jakon Hays

Jakon Hays

Jakon is the Senior Marketing and Strategic Communications Specialist for Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI). He develops and executes digital and social media awareness initiatives promoting NUARI's mission of enabling a resilient society through rapid research, development, and education in cybersecurity, defense technologies, and information warfare.

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